If you have swelling, pain and reddened skin near joints of the shoulder, elbow, knee or hip, you might have a condition known as bursitis.

Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, which is a slick piece of tissue that guards the tendons from friction that could be caused by rubbing of the bones.

Bursitis is caused by a blow to body areas that have bursa, as well as overexerting a joint through activities like swimming or throwing a ball too many times.

Symptoms include heat in the area of injury and a decreased ability to function in that area.

Long-term overuse of a joint can lead to chronic bursitis. Risk factors include high-contact sports, repetitive motions and sports gear that doesn’t fit properly.

Treatments include resting, icing the area in pain, taking anti-inflammatory medication, having an injection of cortisone and avoiding trauma to the injured area.