Dr. Mao explains which healthy foods help ease nervous energy.
Dr. Mao:
I’d like to talk to you about nervousness and hysteria. Now this is common. We all experience nervousness. Right before interview, for example, sitting in front of this camera, it sort of gets your nerves going, doesn’t it? And so what can we do to help ourselves? What’s happening really when we are experiencing this? An extreme form of nervousness sometimes can result in hysteria, just overreaction. We get so nervous, so wound up, that we just snap and get hysterical, which happens, and believe me, I see that in my practice sometimes.
So what’s going on? Well, you see when you are feeling nervous, your body is sending signals, the brain, the adrenal gland are communicating. The adrenal glands in the body does one thing really well. Now it does many things, including producing various hormones, but one of the most important, critical thing it does is that it produces stress hormones.
Stress hormones, why do we even need stress hormones? Trust me, you want stress hormones because in order to survive. Think of this way, you’re sitting in a cave. You’re a caveman, and suddenly a saber-toothed tiger walks in. Wow! Now your adrenaline shoots up and suddenly you are ready to flee for your life or fight for your life, and without that adrenaline, the stress hormone, you won’t survive. You will just kind of freeze, lie there and be eaten for lunch.
So it’s the same thing that we experience on a daily basis, maybe not that extreme, but our body goes through the same process feeling very nervous, and so what can we do to help ourselves? Well, I always tell my patients, "Here is my stress-release meditation CD; take it home and practice it. It's only 15 minutes." So I encourage that you learn techniques, coping skills, very important to manage your stress.
But what about other things? My patients always ask me, “Doc, isn’t there something I can take? Doc, I mean, meditation, I don’t want to be sitting up on a top of a mountain in a saffron robe, that’s just not what I want to do.” So here you have it. I have got two bowls here. This is called jujube dates. These are Chinese jujubes. Now a lot of people maybe have grown up with these dates. Red variety right here, and then we have the black variety. The black variety is actually smoked, so in other words, it used to look like this but it’s been smoked so now it’s black.
They have a little bit different properties, but they’re both used for nervousness and to calm hysteria, and so all you have to do is you can actually just eat these, if you like, but there’s a famous Chinese, a traditional Chinese formula that’s been around for at least a 1000 years that’s used to treat nervousness and hysteria, which is to make a tea out of ten of these jujube dates. In a cup of water, you boil it for 5 minutes, 5 to 10 minutes, and then you strain it or you can eat the dates. These are very tasty, and that will settle your nerves.
And the reason why it’s so effective is because these dates are adrenal tonics. They actually strengthen, all the studies show that they actually strengthen your adrenal gland. So next time you find yourself getting nervous, overly nervous, hysterical, try some jujube dates, and you’ll be glad you did.
About Maoshing Ni Ph.D., D.O.M., L.Ac., A.B.A.A.H.P.:
Dr. Mao, as he prefers to be called, is a 38th generation doctor of Chinese medicine, a Licensed Acupuncturist, a Diplomat of Chinese Herbology, and a Diplomat in Anti-Aging.
For over 20 years, Dr. Mao has been in general practice at Los Angeles, California’s Tao of Wellness, an acclaimed center for nutrition, Chinese medicine, and acupuncture, with special interest in immune, hormonal, and aging-related conditions. He is also the founder and Chancellor of the Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Los Angeles that is considered the premiere school for Chinese medicine outside of China.
Visit Dr. Mao at Tao Of Wellness