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Prescription Drug Abuse: Part 1

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Prescription drugs are important for the treatment of many medical disorders, including treatment of some chronic pain conditions, restore emotional balance and normalizing behavior. Some prescription pills are also used to help treat obesity, induce sleep and relieve depression.

However, many types of prescription pills are also prone to abuse. Besides side effects and serious complications, prescription pills also can lead to addiction and even cause death.

Prescription drug abuse is of a major health concern today. What most people do not know is that prescription drug abuse is not a recent problem, but has been around since the evolution of pharmaceutical drugs dating back to the 50s. Today, there is a much greater awareness of prescription drug abuse and methods to detect drugs are sophisticated.

The most common prescription drugs abused are pain killers, sedatives and drugs that stimulate the brain. Countless surveys done in the last few years indicate that prescription drug abuse is rampant in society at all ages, involves all races, cultures and both genders. The problem of prescription drug abuse is also common in high school students and adolescents, with estimates indicating that more than 15 percent of these individuals abuse prescription drugs on a regular basis. There are also thousands (perhaps millions) other individuals who abuse prescription drugs but have not been identified. The problem of prescription drug abuse is endemic in our society.

In North America, the most common drugs abused include oxycodone, oxycontin, sedatives and other related pills.


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EmpowHER Guest

i agree with you. As a physician we do know that many consumers have abuse prescriptions. However, the problem does not always remain with the patient, but there are also some physicians who prescribe medications negligently (MJ case). the government has started to implement strict control over certain medications and often patients with geunine disorders are the ones to suffer. To receive the best medical treatment, see a physician who is interested in helping you out. i am sure there are some. good luck. SB

October 5, 2009 - 5:01am
EmpowHER Guest

When hearing about all of the thousands of people that abuse pain medication really upsets me very, very much!!! As I have severe chronic pain (fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue) and other painful illnesses. So, when these so called pain med abusers get medication for no reason, it makes it very difficult for us that are really physically and emotionally severely in pain!!! We, are treated as if we are abusing the medication ourselves, and sometimes not given the medication that we soooo desperately need to help us get through each and every minute of every day!! I hope that they do catch the people doing these "false" situations and do criminally charge them and make them think about what they are doing to us innocent sick and disabled patients!! Something has to be done for our sake! Thankyou Sincerely Sue

October 4, 2009 - 11:05pm
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