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Many Americans Take Naps: Survey

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About one-third of American adults regularly take a daytime nap, according to a new national survey.

The rate of napping was even higher among people who'd exercised in the past 24 hours, those who had trouble sleeping the night before, blacks, men older than 50, men and women over 80, people who aren't happy, and poorer people, The New York Times reported.

Unemployed people were more likely to nap during the week than on weekends and employed people were only slightly more likely to have a nap on weekends, according to the Pew Research Center Social and Demographics Trends survey.

It also found that women were more likely than men to have trouble sleeping at night, along with people whose annual income is less than $20,000, and those dissatisfied with their personal financial situation, regardless of their income, the Times reported.

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EmpowHER Guest

I love to take naps, although I don't allow myself to do so very often. I feel guilty, like I'm a lazy bum. One of my favorite ways to nap on the weekends is to lay down on the sofa with a baseball game on the TV. The problem is when the TV commercials come on ---- the volume is so loud, not only does it wake me, but I wake-up startled with my heart thumping at twice it's normal speed.

But guess what? It looks like broadcasters and advertisers will no longer be able to do this, according to an article in Ethic Soup blog. Hallelujah! This has bothered me for years. If I'm not napping, but just sitting with a bowl of popcorn on my lap, come commercial time and the horrific sound level makes me jerk and the popcorn goes everywhere. And I just don't move fast enough to grab the remote to mute it before I'm startled and then I yelp and startle the cats and whoever else is in the room. You can learn about the new legislation to lower blasting commercial's sound at:


July 31, 2009 - 1:48pm
(reply to Anonymous)

This is interesting because my TV is supposed to be able to auto-adjust the sound level. But, commercials still bust through at higher decibels than anything else. Ridiculous and annoying!

July 31, 2009 - 4:35pm
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