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Taking Care of Leg Swelling in Pregnancy

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pregnant lady

The weather is turning warmer and if you are pregnant, chances are you are seeing how warmer weather affects your swelling, specifically leg swelling. Pregnancy problems are all over the map, but leg swelling can be easily treated by these simple drug free ways.

Take a cold wrap to your legs. Chill a towel or soak in cold water and wrap around your legs. Cold will shrink the tissues that are full of fluid and help take the swelling down.

Lie down. Prop your feet up. Putting your feet and legs at a higher elevation than your heart will help release some of the swelling and “pooling” if you will. A simple and easy fix.

Keep a low salt diet. Salt retains fluid in the body and you don’t need the extra “help” in keeping fluid in when you are pregnant.

These are simple ways to decrease any leg swelling you may experience while pregnant. Edema in pregnancy (edema is fluid buildup in the tissues of the body, or swelling) is common, however, if your face starts to swell, take note and see a doctor. While leg swelling is common and relative harmless, facial swelling while pregnant may be a sign of a serious condition called preeclampsia.

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