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Pregnancy and the Mad Woman- PART 1

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This pregnancy topic is dark but true. I am not sure what happened to my emotions during pregnancy but I do know that I would get very annoyed and angry about things that typically wouldn’t bother me. And my poor husband caught most, if not all, of the brunt of it.

It could be described as a rage that could build up in minutes. My husband would tell you that it started at the beginning of pregnancy and it is probably best described through his eyes. I would think that it would go something like this.

“The MAD WOMAN would arrive without warning. My wife and I were expecting a baby. We were a happy couple. Not much had changed other than the excitement for the arrival of the baby. Then one day I was sitting watching tv, relaxing in my living room. I saw my wife walk in and begin to stare at the dirty socks that I had just taken off and kicked onto the floor next to me. Then, right before my eyes, my wife changed into the MAD WOMAN. Her eyes moved from the socks straight to my face. Her look shot red hot fire right at me. In an instant she began to yell at me. Something about socks…..not picking things up or helping around the house…oh great. She is blocking the tv with her body. Now I can’t see the tv or hear it. She is still yelling. She is still yelling about socks. I could kick them under the chair if that would help. What did I do? And where is my wife?”
The strange part was that I knew that I was being irrational about certain things and over reacting. But I simply couldn’t help it. I hoped it was only temporary. Who was this person that I was turning into? I confided in friends. What was wrong with me? Socks on the floor never bothered me before. I usually didn’t snap at the husband that I loved over small, unimportant things. What I found was that I wasn’t alone.

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