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Dealing with Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

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Varicose veins are often looked at as cosmetic issues but the truth, especially during pregnancy, is that these veins can cause discomfort or even pain and can present self-esteem issues.

According to WebMD, varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins that become filled with increased amounts of blood. They are most often found in the leg or ankle, but in some cases can also occur in a woman's vulva, especially during the later stages of subsequent pregnancies.

Varicose veins are usually quite unattractive, as they are dark blue or purple, and have a swollen, twisted appearance under the skin. Varicose veins are caused by weakened valves and veins in one's legs.

Typically, the valves in one's legs restrict blood flow and only allow it to flow to one's heart. When the valves are not working correctly or are weakened, some blood is allowed to flow back away from the heart and pools in the lower legs, thereby enlarging the veins.

During pregnancy, the weight and size of the uterus can press on the inferior vena cava, a large vein on the right side of the body, which then increases pressure in the veins of the leg.

In addition, when a woman is pregnant, she has a higher than normal amount of blood in her body, creating a larger amount of blood flow for the veins to carry. The higher levels of progesterone, a known pregnancy hormone, also causes the blood vessels to relax and become enlarged.

Symptoms of varicose veins can vary, from no signs at all, to being very disruptive.

Some symptoms include:

1. Pain in one's legs that feels achy, heavy, painful or a burning sensation. After standing or sitting for long periods of time or at the end of the day these symptoms may worsen.

2. Unusual swelling in one's feet, ankles, and/or lower legs

3. Itchiness or throbbing, especially at the site of the enlarged vein

There is no cure for varicose veins though they do tend to improve after childbirth, especially if the woman did not have them prior to the pregnancy. There are also many medical options to remove these veins post-pregnancy.

For women who are worried about getting varicose veins during pregnancy, there are several things they can do to prevent them including exercising, gaining an appropriate amount of weight, sleeping on one's left side, and wearing compression stockings.


WebMD.com. Web. 18 April 2012 "Varicose Vein overview". Http://www.webmd.com/healthy-beauty/tc/varicose-veins-topic-overview

Babycenter.com. Web. 18 April 2012. "Varicose veins during pregnancy" http://www.babycenter.com/0_varicose-veins-during-pregnancy_271.bc

Reviewed April 18, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

Add a Comment3 Comments

EmpowHER Guest

I have combination skin and venorid serum is the only moisturizer that does not break my skin out! My skin looks wonderful since I started using this product. It seems to be fading my spider veins as well. Great product.

February 27, 2015 - 2:30am
EmpowHER Guest

I thought I was lucky when I went through my entire first pregnancy without any stretch marks or varicose veins. I wasn't so lucky with my second pregnancy. About 6 months into it, I started developing them on my legs. Not only were they ugly, but they started swelling and gave me a lot of pain. About 3 months after giving birth I made an appointment with the USA Vein Clinic in Brooklyn, NY. Needless to say my veins are gone! I could not be happier with my experience with them and my results. I would definitely recommend them!

November 28, 2012 - 9:46am
EmpowHER Guest

"After my 2nd pregnancy I got these nasty varicose veins, which were also very painful and disturbing, let alone very ungly. I got a varicose treatment recently, and it worked miracles! I heard, that the only option to treat varicose is to remove veins completely, which requires this painful procedure, and several days hospitalization. However I was so relieved to hear, that there’s this new technology to easily treat vein problems, called Endovenous Laser Treatment, or EVLT. I did this treatment at USA Vein Clinics in New York 2 months ago, and I'm happy to tell, that this worked so good for me, I can't thank doctors at USA Vein Clinics enough! They have also locations all over the states.

This non-surgical laser treatment was literally painless, and the whole procedure took only 10 minutes! USA Vein Clinics are definitely professionals at what they do. The office staff and doctor were pleasant and answered all my questions.

My varicose completely healed now, and the laser treatment worked miracles for me. And the best part: my insurance covered all visits 100%! I really should have done this several years ago! If you have any questions about this treatment, just give them a call at 888-894-9464 or www.usaveinclinics.com they answered all my questions, and I'm cured of all these veins problems!"

July 31, 2012 - 12:51am
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