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Can A Woman's Mental State Worsen Pelvic Pain? - Dr. Dugan (VIDEO)

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Can A Woman's Mental State Worsen Pelvic Pain? - Dr. Dugan (VIDEO)
Can A Woman's Mental State Worsen Pelvic Pain? - Dr. Dugan (VIDEO)
8 of 27 : Current video

Dr. Dugan explains if a woman's mood can worsen her pelvic pain.

Dr. Dugan:
I would say that if you have a "nitis" or a source of pain that you can become worse depending on your mental state. So if you feel anxious, it can make it feel worse. If you feel depressed, that can make it feel worse, and we’re doing a lot more research to look at the different centers in the brain that say control your mood and control pain and how they may be talking back and forth to each other, and then your symptoms become worse or maybe become better.

About Dr. Dugan, M.D.:
Dr. Sheila A. Dugan, M.D., is Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Rush Medical College, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois. She is a faculty member of the Department of Neurosurgery and the Department of Preventive Medicine. She is co-medical director of the Rush Program for Abdominal and Pelvic Health.

Dr. Dugan is multi board-certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, electrodiagnostic medicine and pain medicine. She is highly skilled in neurological and sports-related rehabilitation. Prior to medical school, she received her physical therapy degree from Northwestern University in 1986. She's currently pursuing development of a program focused on women's musculoskeletal care, including both their medical and rehabilitation needs.

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