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Childhood Psychological Disorder: Does This Reflect Parenting Problems? - Dr. Shannon

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Dr. Shannon shares if a child’s mental health reflects problems with parenting.

Dr. Shannon:
No, I don’t think it does. I think what it means most of all is that you need to recognize the child is asking for help in some way.

And it’s your job as a parent to recognize that cry for help, that request for attention, and somehow more consideration to what’s going on for them.

And so you can be the agent of change to make sure that that child’s needs, requests, their situation is being addressed.

So I feel, and it’s just totally based on this ecological model; it’s not appropriate for parents to take on blame in this situation because that ends up really I think undercutting parents and their emotional health.

And really what I encourage parents to do is say, this isn’t working, we need to do something different and let’s examine the child’s life and find out the indicators for what can be done to make changes and help the child recover their health.

About Dr. Scott Shannon, M.D.:
Dr. Scott Shannon, M.D., graduated from the University of Arizona College of Medicine. Following a psychiatric internship he worked for four years in rural Arizona as a general practitioner. Dr. Shannon then completed a psychiatric residency at a Columbia program in New York. After his child psychiatry fellowship at the University of New Mexico he moved to Colorado. His practice includes a wide variety of approaches including herbs, supplements, medications, nutrition, and acupuncture. Dr. Shannon served as the Principle Investigator on a recent research grant exploring the value of acupuncture in the nausea of chemotherapy.

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