Today was the first time that I have been home without a caregiver and the freedom to drive and do what I want. I wasn't able to get my prescriptions filled from my discharge at CTCA at Walgreens, so when I woke up today I was in some pain. I ended up having to drive out to CTCA to get my prescriptions filled because Walgreens wouldn’t have anything in until Thursday!

I have to emphasize how nice it is to have CTCA just be able to fill the scripts within a few minutes without a huge hassle. I don’t have to worry whether or not they will have the prescription because this is what they specialize in. The only problem I have now is that I have so many prescriptions I have no idea what I should be taking now and what can be considered “old meds.” I was seriously overmedicated before and I want to do whatever I can to avoid this again because I actually feel almost normal for the first time. I am heading to CTCA tomorrow to go over the meds with the doctor.

The only thing that is hard is that I have all of this time now and I really want to just take off and travel! Obviously this is not a good idea considering what happened in Newport Beach, but maybe in a week or two if I am still feeling pretty good I can make a trip out of state. My cousin is getting married over the next holiday in Cali, so that may be my next big trip. After that it would be nice to get back to UT since I haven’t been there since the Christmas holiday.

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