I am so excited for this coming Thanksgiving! I decided to make the best of the rental house situation and have some people over on Tuesday before my family comes in Wednesday night. I figured that I have lots to be thankful for, so why not celebrate it with my friends!

A couple of days ago I was pretty sick with nausea. Somehow it passed and the past couple of days I have been feeling pretty good. I have started feeling a little bit of back pain again, but maybe this is from sitting on the couch so much over the past few days when I was sick. I have still been going to bed way to late. I stayed up last night until almost 5am! It’s like I’m a little kid again, just staying up because I can. It is a liMasttle ridiculous. I need to get back on a regular schedule like the rest of the world. Ironically, I am still waking up at a decent hour most of the time and have been pretty productive. I have been doing and adding lots of things to the house. I finally met with the designer again about the bathrooms. She is going to show me the final options on bathroom design on Monday. I can’t wait to see what she came up with!

My Aunt sent me an article and video that was posted on ABC World News. The article talked about “genotyping” and how it saved two lung cancer patient’s lives. I immediately got in contact with Massachusetts General in regards to the study. Unfortunately, they only accept candidates if they are a patient at the hospital. http://www.massgeneral.org/cancer/news/faq.aspx. The research sounds interesting and I guess the genotyping has worked on several hundred people now. I wish there was a way that I could be tested without having to be a patient at that hospital. =(