Today I had sonogram first thing this am. I had a HORRIBLE night’s sleep last night. Shortly after I posted the blog and created my first widget, I got sick again…and again…and again! I took an oxycodone and xantax, and that knocked me out for a hour. Then I woke up again with the worst chills ever.

This morning I had a mammogram/sonograph appt. I got sick AGAIN at the docs office! At least the good news was that I don’t have breast cancer…

This afternoon, i had a petscan. Originally I was really afraid and under the impression that I had to lay in the tube for 2 hours. I had my oncologist prescribe me a sedative to knock me out during the process. It turns out, the first 45 minutes they gave me an IV for the glucose saline solution and went over the procedure…all I was thinking was “let’s this over with-I don’t care what the procedure is as long as I’m knocked out! I’m totally exhausted and falling asleep from the Xantax…let’s get this show on the road!!!” After the blabbing on and on, finally they shut the door and I was able to sleep for 45 minutes with a cozy chair and blanket. The goal is to get the glucose spread to the right areas of the body without having too much action and worry so your muscles can relax and absorb the liquid I guess. The actual petscan only took about 30 minutes, not bad at all. The guy “Les” was really nice and even burned an extra 10 CD’s so we could mail off for second opinion.

So all in all what started to be the day from hell, ended up ok. I’m feeling a little hot and my temperature is constantly going up and down,but at least I don’t feel nauseous!