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New Orleans Mayor Quarantined in China

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New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and his wife were being held in quarantine by the Chinese government Sunday after traveling on a plane to Shanghai with a passenger who had swine flu symptoms, the (NY) Daily News reported.

The mayor, his wife, Seletha, and a bodyguard were among those quarantined. Shanghai has 10 confirmed cases of swine flu, and authorities are taking extreme precautions, the Daily News said.

The three were feeling fine, said mayoral spokeswoman Ceeon Quiett. She also said they were being treated with the "utmost courtesy by Chinese officials," the Daily News said.

Nagin, who became a national figure in 2005 when New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina, was on an economic-development trip to China and Australia.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization reported that swine flu has now spread to 73 countries, with 139 deaths from the disease since it was first detected in April.

The latest WHO figures, released Monday, show more than 25,000 people have been infected with the swine influenza A-H1N1 worldwide, according to Voice of America.

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The United States will invest one billion dollars to develop key components for a swine fluvaccine and conduct clinical studies into its efficacy, Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said.The money will come from already existing funds and will be used to place orders with companies licensed to produce flu vaccine for antigens -- the ingredient in a vaccine that causes the body to develop antibodies -- and adjuvants, which boost the body's immune response.Healthy mind and actions are taking today will help us be prepared if a vaccine is needed.

June 8, 2009 - 9:53pm
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