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HERStory - Real Health Stories from Real EmpowHER Members

HERStory - Monalou

"Reading an article on EmpowHER saved my loved one's life"

Robert and I had noticed a "thumping" feeling in his chest for about a month or so. One morning as we sat discussing the activities of the day I decided to go through my emails and catch up the hundreds I receive each day while he talked (which he can often go on forever). One of the emails was the recent updates and articles posted on EmpowHER.com.

Robert continued to talk about what could be going on with his health and I half listened while reading one of the articles that discussed aortic aneurysms. It was as if the article slapped me in the face. I could not believe I was reading the signs and symptoms of everything he was describing. I insisted he sit down and read this article. Needless to say, he got an appointment with his general practitioner and she immediately sent him for further testing. Not only did the experts diagnose that is was an Aortic Aneurysm but they informed him how fortunate and very rare that an individual find it themselves and that it is often too late.

So thank you for everything you do!

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HERStory - Christina

“What I thought was the end, was only the beginning... EmpowHER changed my life.”

When I was 32 I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure when doctors found cysts on both ovaries. Complicatiions from a hysterectomy led to an extended hospital stay. I was scared not knowing what was wrong and was looking other women my age who had gone through the same thing. I just needed someone to talk to, I needed answers, I never got them. After my hysterectomy I had horrible mood fluctuations and eventually tried to take my own life. The mood changes were diagnosed as bipolar disorder, but I was convinced it was something else - something just wasn't right. During a hospital stay while being treated for bipolar disorder I found EmpowHER, I discovered my intuitions might have been right, a hormonal imbalance caused by the hysterectomy could be causing my mood swings. I listened to Michelle's story and was able to talk to other women about what I was going through. I've since recieved proper treatment and feel like a new woman.

If I would have found a site like EmpowHER when my medical problems started, I think i would have found some better answers. Now that I am not on the medication I was given for my so called "bipolar" I am a complete different person... my life has been changed. I have become my own self advocate and encourage other women to do the same.

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Great story Christina! Thank you for sharing what has happened to you and the great strides you have taken to make your life better, more healthful! Your story is inspirational because despite the obstacles you've had to face with your health you never gave up!! Way to go, keep up the great work!


July 3, 2014 - 12:59pm
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