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Vitamin D, How Can Women Test Their Levels? - Carole Baggerly (VIDEO)

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Carole Baggerly explains how women can test their vitamin D levels.

Carole Baggerly:
The easiest and simplest thing to do would be to log on to our D*action program, sign up and order a kit from us for $25.00. You get it in the mail. It takes a little bitty blood prick, you drop it on and then you mail it back to us. And within a couple of weeks you’ll get your results, which you can then evaluate yourself and/or, based on what it says, you can take it to your physician to work with you to get it solved.

(The kit cost has been changed to $40 to cover GrassrootsHealth' costs.)

About Carole Baggerly:
Carole Baggerly is the founder and director of Grassroots Health, a non-profit organization promoting vitamin D awareness. After her own experience with breast cancer and osteoporosis, she learned the connection among these diseases and vitamin D deficiency, which triggered her role as an advocate.

Visit Carole Baggerly at Grassroots Health

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