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I Lost Weight You Can Too Join this Group

How are you staying on track in 2013?

By February 26, 2013 - 10:18pm

For many people the New Year means a fresh start, and another New Year’s resolution. Many of us are determined to make 2013 the year we stick to our health and fitness goals. And while making the resolution to lose weight is easy, keeping it, can be a challenge. When you are convinced that losing weight is more important than what you are giving up, then you are ready for action and you will likely succeed.
How are you staying on track in 2013? What positive lifestyle changes have you made to improve your overall health and wellness? What helps you live a healthy lifestyle?

Group Leader


The purpose of this group is to help others who are dealing with the same issues as me. Since I lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off, I believe I am in the position to be able to offer hope to others. I hope that by showing what works for me, I will be able to help you lose weight with no complicated formulas, without exercise, and most important without feeling hungry. My intention is to share with you that it is absolutely doable.


New York


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