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Collagen protein — a source of youth and health

By June 13, 2023 - 11:21am

Collagen is a structural protein that is the building material for the body. There are 28 types of this protein, but three are considered the most important. 


Protein is used in anti-aging cosmetology, and the high content in cosmetics can successfully fight wrinkles, skin aging, and swelling. In addition, it is present in sports nutrition — liquid marine collagen and other supplements. 


Preparations based on it are used in the medical field for the therapy/treatment of some diseases available in the form of collagen drinks, serums, and injectables. The safest way to produce protein is to eat foods that contain large amounts of collagen compounds. The proper diet can be selected for both a meat-eater and a vegetarian.

Benefits and harms for the body

It is considered in medicine and cosmetology as a source of youth. Its main task is to maintain the skin in a healthy state. It affects fibroblasts, due to which the production of the right amount of fibers increases, stabilizes the epidermis condition, the skin becomes elastic and firm, and signs of aging disappear.


It is recommended to use preparations with the recommendations of specialists. Otherwise, the source of health and youthfulness can cause several side effects. For example, the high content in cosmetics, hair supplements, and nutrition can cause allergic reactions. 

Why is it needed?

It is the primary material for tissues, bones, teeth, and skin. It is found in 80-90% of healthy cells. Use liquid collagen because it contains several amino acids (glycine, proline, hydroxyproline) involved in synthesizing new compound types.


For the synthesis, there should be several fat-soluble vitamins and minerals — copper, zinc, selenium, silicon, and others. A decrease in these elements disrupts natural production.

The reasons for the deficiency are different — it is natural aging, improper nutrition, hormonal failure, and others. For example, before age 25, it does not make much sense to use products unless there is a chronic deficiency. Then, from the ages of 26-30 years, the process of losing collagen begins. 


During this period, it is advisable to eat food rich in compounds, use collagen shots, and use cosmetic, skin and hair restoration products. Bad habits, sleep disorders, and a sedentary lifestyle strongly influence the quality of life.

Types of collagen

There are about 30 proteins, but the first three types are the most important for maintaining beauty and youthfulness:


  • The first type is found in almost all connective tissues, bones, teeth, ligaments, and eye corneas. This protein creates large fibers that tighten wounds and scars. If it is in sufficient quantities, the elasticity of the epidermis is increased, and internal tissues are prevented from tearing.

  • The second kind is found in the hyaline cartilage that covers joints, intervertebral discs, and tendons. It is not for the skin but rather for the joints. It is responsible for their mobility and health and helps relieve pain in rheumatism and arthritis.

  • The third kind is from reticular fibers and extracellular matrix. Often found in combination with the first type, it is also essential for the elasticity, firmness, and strength of heart tissues and blood vessels.

How to stimulate your production

An insufficient amount of collagen causes serious pathologies. It is essential to understand that after age 25, we have to stimulate production, one way or another. High levels allow us to stay younger and healthier longer.

How to recover:


  • Consume more foods high in collagen compounds. For example, gelatin is rich in meats, bone broths, cold cuts, and cartilage.

  • Use nutritional supplements as prescribed by a specialist. For better absorption, it is desirable to drink vitamin C in addition.

  • Carry out cosmetic procedures — face masks, serum injections, laser therapy, etc.

Application for repair and rejuvenation

Collagen effectively eliminates facial wrinkles and traces of fatigue. The basis is the elastic structure that fills the space between the cells. It not only serves the hollows but also helps to activate the skin's repair processes.


It maintains the elasticity of the skin, bones, and joints. With age, natural production is often held at a reasonably high level, but the quality decreases, leading to wrinkles. Vitamins C, A, B6, copper, zinc, silicon, selenium, and sulfur compounds participate in the formation.

Depending on how it is produced, there are 3 main types:


  • Of animal origin (from animal hides, cartilage).

  • Of plant origin (wheat, seaweed).

  • Of marine origin (fish cartilage).


Most often, a product of animal origin is used for collagen injections. The duration of the effect of bovine collagen is about 4-6 months.


It is better to use collagen from the proteins of cattle's tendons, bones, and cartilage. Drugs that contain the first type are specific. Fibers are not subjected to rough treatment in the drug's production process, so molecules are identical to the structure of the human protein, and the drug does not cause allergic reactions.


Proper nutrition and skincare are vital for complete formation. Methods of application:

  • Applied (serums, masks, creams). The effectiveness of these products is explained by the fact that the hygroscopic collagen film reduces transepidermal water loss. Due to this, it increases the moisture of the stratum corneum. These products do not affect natural production.

  • Nutritional supplements and cocktails.

  • Injections help strengthen the skin and activate the production of your fibers. 


Injections are safe, but there are contraindications:


  • Allergic reactions,

  • Pregnancy and lactation,

  • Age less than 18 years,

  • Autoimmune diseases,

  • Acute period of infectious processes,

  • Diabetes mellitus,

  • Oncology,

  • Damage at the injection site.


To stimulate production, they use:


  • Fractional photothermolysis;

  • Fractional RF-lifting (during the procedure, micro-needles are exposed in combination with radiofrequency energy);

  • Fillers based on polylactic acid;

  • Mesotherapy (during the procedure, a cocktail of vitamins, trace elements, and hyaluronic acid is injected intradermally);

  • Plasma therapy;

  • Micro-needling (with the help of micro-needles, the function of fibroblasts is activated, which produces more collagen. This is done by multiple puncturing, which leads to a rush of blood and activation of fibroblasts);

  • Physical therapy.


It is significant for both the cosmetologist and the patient to decide on the method at each stage of aging, depending on the patient's health status, age, and the features of aging skin.

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