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What is the limit imposed by society today on women?

By January 10, 2018 - 10:43am

I know that the freedoms of women have improved several decades ago and now we can do much more socially than our grandmothers, but am I the only one who still feels intolerant sexism to do certain things? They point us as incapable of doing what man normally does with "manhood", and we leave them feeling good, we let them do it without our intervention. But like them, I feel so willing to do auto mechanics, change tires, repair appliances or pipes in my house, and things like that.

But does society itself not continue to impose those limits? And read well, we are also part of that society. Advertising campaigns, model magazines, beauty contests and more, where they only present us to women as beautiful facial dolls with a slender body without showing the skills we can have, beyond beauty.

For a couple of years I decided to start my own business and open my own online business, something that was very difficult for me to learn because in a certain way I did not feel a pleasant level of acceptance on the part of several equals. My search for partners in my country to get more information was successful when I found CACE -
http://www.cace.org.ar/ -, which gave me the best support in electronic commerce that I have received to date.

So far that I work in online commerce, I have shown that my gender is not a physical limit in society to achieve what I want, but I realized that it remains a mental limit for many people who continue to place our gender as incapable.

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