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What Foods You Can and Can’t Eat With Veneers

By April 15, 2024 - 12:51am

Porcelain veneers are highly durable, so you can enjoy most of your favorite foods and beverages without worrying about them cracking, fading, or getting compromised. Still, there are a few food interactions to be mindful of. Also, if you have no-prep veneers or composite resin, be particularly cautious because they are not as durable as porcelain.

If you've ever wondered if it's safe to eat hard candy, corn on the cob, or booze, we're here to clarify.

Can I Eat an Apple With Veneers?
While most items are safe to eat with porcelain veneers, you should exercise caution with hard foods such as apples, raw carrots, and bone-in meat. Biting down on excessively hard foods might cause the porcelain to break, so it's normally recommended that you eat these items with your back teeth. If you have a more fragile type of veneer, such as composite or Lumineers, you should be extra cautious, ideally avoiding certain foods entirely.

Can I Eat Hard Candy With Veneers?
If you have veneers, you should avoid eating jawbreakers and other hard candies entirely. This applies to all types of veneers, including porcelain, no-prep, composite, and temporaries. Hard candies that melt on their own (such as Jolly Ranchers) are typically acceptable as long as they are not consumed while still hard.

Can I Eat Pizza With Veneers?
You can eat pizza with permanent veneers. The pizza toppings and dough are unlikely to cause significant strain on the veneer or bonding substance. Be cautious when biting into hard pizza crusts, and avoid eating pizza when wearing temporary veneers (such as snap-in veneers, which are not typically designed to be worn while eating).

Can I Eat Corn on the Cob With Veneers?
You can eat corn on the cob if you have permanent veneers. Just make sure not to bite too hard into the cob itself. The idea is to detach the corn from the cob's surface carefully. Also, corn on the cob should always be prepared; eating raw corn on the cob might put additional strain on the veneers.

Can I Eat Steak With Veneers?
You can eat steak if you have porcelain or other permanent veneers. It is advisable to cut the meat into little pieces before eating. For bone-in steaks (and all other bone-in meats), avoid biting into or tugging against the bone itself, since this might put excessive strain on the veneers and prematurely damage the bonding material.

Can I Chew Gum With Veneers?
Chewing gum is generally considered harmless if you have porcelain or composite veneers. The hard bonding compound prevents the gum from penetrating beneath the veneer, and most people chew gum with their molars (which are not suitable for veneers). Just keep in mind that gum often contains sugar, which can lead to cavities. If cavities develop in the natural teeth where veneers are present, the veneers' integrity may be jeopardized. If you chew gum regularly, stick to sugarless gum.

Can I Eat Chips With Veneers?
If you have veneers, you can consume potato chips, corn chips, and tortilla chips in moderation, but don't go overboard. While the chips will not hurt your veneers, poor overall nutrition will. Diabetes, for example, has been related to periodontal (gum) disease and tooth loss, which are caused in part by higher blood sugar (glucose) levels in saliva. Remember: everything in moderation.

Foods to Avoid With Permanent Veneers
Most foods are acceptable to eat when you have permanent veneers, especially if they are constructed of high-quality porcelain. Dentists like porcelain because it maintains its integrity even under great stress. It also retains its color and luster. If you have or are considering porcelain veneers, you will just need to take caution with the following items:
- Hard candy (avoid if chewing is necessary).
- Hard foods such as carrots, apples, and bone-in meats should be consumed with caution.
- Dark beverages such as red wine, black tea, and coffee (drink in moderation or with a straw).
- Tobacco products can cause discoloration and harm overall health.
- Consume alcohol in moderation to avoid damaging the bonding substance.

Foods to Avoid With Temporary Veneers
Temporary veneers require particular attention because they are prone to breaking. If you have temporary veneers, you'll want to avoid all of the items listed in the previous section, plus the following:
- Moderately hard foods include raw fruits, popcorn, and ice cubes.
- Tough, bone-in meat.
- Any food that can stain the teeth, including beverages, ketchup, berries, and other staining substances (consume in moderation).
- Toasted or firm breads.
- Sticky foods such as caramels.
- Extremely cold and hot beverages may cause some types of temporary veneers to expand and tighten when in contact.

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