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7 Oral Health Tips for Kids

By April 3, 2017 - 7:49am

Having a bright white smile begins with a good dental care routine. And of course, when you start it young, you enjoy a lifetime of oral health perks. So, as parents, know where to begin and guide your kids. Here are 7 oral health tips to start with and keep them smiling throughout the years to come. This article is written with the help of Swedesboro Dentist for Implants.

1. Limit the intake of juice.
Many parents assume that healthy juice drinks are ideal daylong beverages. But truth be told, it is a primary cause of tooth decay. Therefore, it is best to limit your kid to no more than 4 ounces of pure fruit juice a day. Offer it to him only as a treat or during mealtimes.

2. Teach him proper dental health habits.
Brushing is everything. In fact, even if your baby doesn’t have teeth, you can always begin teaching him proper brushing habits by gently brushing his gums with a soft washcloth. Once the teeth show up, brush him two times a day with a toothpaste and toothbrush designed for kids.

When you notice that his teeth have already grown, teach him to brush before bedtime and when he gets up. If you wish to let him use mouthwash, ask his dentist first.

3. Say goodbye to the pacifier at the age of 2.
Pacifiers are really entertaining and useful for kids, but when they reach the age of 2, there’s a good reason to let them go. Not only does it affect the alignment of their teeth; it also alters the shape of their mouth.

4. Be careful when giving sweet medicines.
Medications for kids are often sweet and flavored. When the sugar stick to the teeth, chances are cavities may stick. Medications for heart problems and asthmas are those that are known to be sugary.

5. Steer clear from fluoride.
If your home is supplied with fluoridated water, ask your dentist whether there are any supplement options your child can use. Also, do note that some foods also contain fluoride.

6. Schedule dental appointments.
It is your responsibility to schedule dental appointments for your kids. It could be a day after their birthday or perhaps during Christmas break. What’s important is that you can easily remember the date so as not to forget. During those appointments, dentists will usually teach you how to prevent any dental problems.

7. Stay cool and calm.
Most parents feel anxious during dental visits. However, if you are with your kids, make sure you don’t flaunt these feelings. You don’t want them to associate every dental checkup with something traumatic. As much as possible, encourage him to see a dentist and do not mention anything about pain and hurt.

Honestly, teaching these oral health tips to your kids will never be easy. They might not cooperate with brushing when they already feel tired and sleepy. Aside from that, they might be very picky when it comes to the flavor of the toothpaste. It’s just that they have their own reasons. But as parents, extend your patience and do not give up on teaching them.

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