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5 Most Common Dental Problems and Tips to Deal With Them

By October 5, 2021 - 4:26am

There are a lot of dental problems that can affect your mouth during your lifetime. Most of them can be easily prevented by brushing twice a day, flossing, eating the right foods, ditching bad habits, and visiting your dentist regularly. But gaps in your dental care routine can contribute to the development of some dental issues. Education yourself about these problems can help stop them at an early stage and prevent significant damage to your dental health.

Below are 5 most common dental problems and ways to deal with them.

1. Tooth decay
Tooth decay is a dental condition in which cavities form in your teeth. Poor oral hygiene or unhealthy dental habits can cause bacteria build-up on your teeth. These bacteria produce acids that dissolve the tooth enamel. Over time, bacteria get deeper into your teeth causing the development of the holes. Untreated tooth decay can cause severe tooth pain and result in tooth loss.

One of the early things of tooth decay is dark and white spots on the tooth. If you have one or several, it is important to add in your dental care routine more remedies with fluoride. This compound helps strengthen the tooth enamel and reverse tooth decay at the early stage. But if you already have cavities, it is important to visit an experienced dentist to clean and fill the hole.

2. Gum disease
Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissues. Just like tooth decay, it often develops because of poor oral hygiene and bacteria build-up in your mouth. At the beginning of gum disease, you may experience mild gum inflammation and bleeding when brushing your teeth. Over time, gum starts to recede, exposing a tooth root to bacteria and infections. Gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss among the adult population.

If you have early signs of gum disease, it is crucial to adjust your dental care routine and habits. Brushing your teeth regularly and using an antibacterial mouthwash can help treat gum infection. If you experience pain or your teeth feel loose, don’t try to treat gum disease at home and visit a dental clinic.

3. Tooth sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is a widespread dental problem. It occurs when the enamel, protecting your tooth, wears down. Enamel erosion exposes the next layer of your tooth called dentine. Unlike enamel, dentin is porous, making it easier for the external factor to influence your tooth root. For this reason, enamel erosion can make your teeth sensitive to hot, cold, and acidic foods.

If your teeth become sensitive, consider using fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouthwash. It is also recommended to reduce the intake of foods that can further erode your enamel. They include sugary foods,starchy foods, and acidic foods.

4. Bad breath
Bad breath is an embarrassing dental problem that may even cause anxiety. It can be caused by various things. Common causes of bad breath include tooth decay, gum disease, dry mouth, smoking, and poor oral hygiene. Eating smelly foods can also contribute to bad breath.

The best way to treat bad breath is to eliminate its cause. Chewing mint gum or using mouthwash may help fade unpleasant odor. But these remedies often give a temporary effect.

5. Dry mouth
Anyone can be affected by dry mouth. Not drinking enough water, smoking,or taking certain medications can cause dry mouth. While occasional dry mouth doesn’t pose serious health risks, chronic dry mouth can make you more prone to tooth decay and gum disease. If you have dehydration or a smoking-related dry mouth, just drink more water or quit smoking. Chewing sugarless gum can also help produce more saliva.

If medications are causing dry mouth, talk to your doctor about replacing them or ask about special remedies to preserve your dental health.

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