Hi, about a month ago just after my last period, my boyfriend and I were playing around. He ejaculated after giving himself a handjob and wiped his hand with a towel. We talked for about 10 minutes and he rinsed his hand with tap water and dried it with again with a towel just before he started fingering me, no penile-vaginal penetration happened before and after this situation though. It happened just right after my period so I'm guessing that was a safe time. Right now is my 33rd day and I was expecting my period 2 days ago but my period usually starts on the 27th - 35th day. Should I be worrying or am I just overthinking and the stress of waiting is just delaying my period? May I know the risks. Please enlighten me, thank you.
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Thank you SusanC! Now I need to find ways to calm myself down from the stress and anxiety.
April 5, 2019 - 3:24pmThis Comment
Hello itssabrina97
We answered this question already for you today in an earlier post.
Did you have sex ed at school? If not, it's a good idea to study on your own so you know how sex and the human body works. You can read books on this or search our own site. This will eliminate a lot of stress than the unknown can cause.
A woman cannot get pregnant unless she has unprotected sex (naked) with ejaculation. She would also have to be ovulating or be within five days of ovulation. Sperm will not travel through a layer of clothing to impregnate, not will it transfer from a finger that has been washed and dried.
So a pregnancy cannot occur from what you did.
It doesn't appear that you understand how sex works. Please educate yourself before you continue any kind of sexual activity.
We can't say why your period is delayed but it could be stress as you mentioned, or a change in hormones this month. It should be along soon.
April 4, 2019 - 7:24pmSusan
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