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What do you think about the study that dispels link between Autism and MMR vaccine?

By September 4, 2008 - 11:40am
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In the news today is an announcement from researchers who say that there is absolutely no correlation between Autism and the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. This is pretty huge in the Autism world, considering there are so many parents and parent advocates out there who believe otherwise.

I just got off the phone with an assistant researcher to W. Ian Lipkin, who played a major role in this latest study. I just couldn't resist finding out just who had funded the study. (ie: pharma??) I was told that it was 100% funded by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). And it was the most thorough study done in this area to date. So it looks like this is the real deal.

Any parents of kids with Autism out there who think otherwise?

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I have a toddler who receives his vaccinations, a little behind the suggested/recommended vaccine schedule. I am not a parent who a child who has autism, but I am of the opinion that this study is (hopefully) one of many that will continue searching for answers on what is the cause of autism. If MMR continues to be demonstrated as not causing autism, this same controlled study needs to be conducted on all vaccines (if not already?)

I believe many parents (I would feel this way, too) who are convinced that this, or another vaccine, CAUSED or was a FACTOR in their child's autism will not suddenly be swayed to believe otherwise. A lot more research needs to be done to REASSURE parents that "XYZ" causes autism. Merely saying that one study has shown that MMR does not cause autism is not going to offer reassurance now, but may help in the future with getting closer to finding out what mechanisms do cause autism.

One thought: I'm curious what the experimental hypothesis actually was, or if this is just the reporter's own words on the study, but there is a big difference in the "research world" between a hypothesis of: "dispelling myths to MMR-vaccine and autism link" vs. "trying to demonstrate a link between MMR and autism".

It seems like researchers are on the defensive and trying to prove there is not a link. Perhaps if they try to prove that there is a link (and maybe find out it does not exist, for instance), this type of information would be more reassuring and credible to parents. And, of course, if a link is found, then we need to find safer vaccines.

From what I understand, there have been many studies on vaccines and autism, and a direct association has not been found, correct? Many of the associations between vaccines and autism are that rates of both are increasing, so there is an assumption of an association.

Unfortunately, the most important piece, the parent's experience with their child, has been lost. Are parents taking their child to the doctor to receive a vaccine, and then that day their child exhibits signs of autism that were not there before? Forgive my ignorance on this, I would really like to understand why parents KNOW there is a link and researchers KNOW there is not. ???

September 4, 2008 - 12:39pm
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