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What about tingling and itching of one breast? Is this a symptom of cancer?

By Anonymous April 26, 2010 - 3:29am
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This started about two months ago. I woke up with a discharge from the breast, and it caused the breast to get crusty and sore. It often tingles and itches still even though the redness is almost gone.

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EmpowHER Guest

I ve mild breast itching on left breast. I too often get tingling sensation in both of my breast. No lump, no pain no discharge no rash, no burning sensation and no redness. But as itching s onnone breast i m tensed. Pls help me.

May 23, 2013 - 6:00am

Hi Anonymous-

Breast discharge can be no big deal, or it can be a sign of infection or something else. We have a page on this: https://www.empowher.com/condition/breast-discharge

Because you have other symptoms as well, it would be a good idea to see your primary provider or gynecologist about this. It might not be a big deal, or it could be serious. But there is no way to know without getting checked out by a professional.

Please make an appointment for an exam. Even if it is just an infection, you don't want it simmering in there untreated. See your health care provider.

Good luck to you.

April 26, 2010 - 7:01am
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