I have gotten many tick bites this year. over 15 (We live in the woods), but this tick bite woke me up in the middle of the night causing a lot of pain throughout my leg, it's very difficult to walk now. I have provided a link with a picture of my thigh where the tick bite is. But when I woke up, I pulled off the tick and that little area was numb but the rest of my leg was in terrible pain. Now it hurts all over the leg and walking is so painful on it. Do you think it could be lyme disease?
The way it looks and feels is scaring me. It hurts A LOT.
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I am so relieved to know others have had immediate pain when bitten! I also woke up at 4AM with intense pain in my side that felt like appendicitis or something horrible. I found a tick on the site of the pain, removed it and the pain went on for hours. I stopped at urgent care and they told me many people react this way because after our area was sprayed, the insects became more virulent. I was also given doxy and the site only has dull pain a day later. No one is trying to get attention by sharing this experience. You feel like a weirdo when the bite is so painful and find relief when you read others have had similar reactions to tick bites.
March 15, 2016 - 5:26amThis Comment
My bite was 4 days ago and I still feel pain and there is some swelling with a nickel sized red spot around where he bit me. There is pain in that area and it feels like a piece o glass is inside of it..... I am concerned I may get sick?
June 18, 2016 - 10:38amThis Comment
No, this also happened to me last night. I woke up with a sharp pain in my breast and I looked and thought it was a scab but when I picked it off it was a tiny tick! My breast still hurts very bad today. I have already taken 4 hundred mg tabs of Doxycycline. Bite is very red and raised. Extremely painful.
January 20, 2016 - 11:36pmThis Comment
Well your wrong.
December 11, 2015 - 11:34amI got bit today... While i was at work i all of a sudden felt an extremely bad pain in my side, so i went to the bathroom to look and sure enough it was a tick.
Now its only been about 20 minutes since it happened and my whole side hurts so bad that im laying down to relax, and i have a nice bruise where it bit me
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Hey, guess what? You are wrong. I was bitten by a tick and it was imbedded in my forearm. The only reason I knew was because I felt it bite me. I am in the woods and fields everyday as a horsewoman. Never before in my life had I felt a tick bite me. I just found them attached and removed them. But this one hurt. It also became red in a circle about 2 inches wide very quickly. The pain is down into my wrist and bone in forearm. So people can think whatever they like about how quickly things transpire on a tick bite and whether someone can feeI a bite happening or not. Unfortunately I now know to the contrary.
November 16, 2015 - 8:06pmThis Comment
Actually it doesn't have to be in for 24, it can be in for as little as 12 hours. I hope that you don't have Lyme and that remind yourself that nasty people should really be ignored. Hope you're feeling better.
October 16, 2015 - 12:03pmThis Comment
That was really horrible to say, not everyone is the same. I just woke up this morning and Im on hold with the ER because I had a tick in my neck. Just removed it 20 minutes ago and the only way i knew it was there was my neck feels broke. I cant move my neck now at all. I just read if you have immediate pain you are allergic. Shame on you for responding as you did. Apparently your just ignorant.
October 7, 2015 - 5:40amThis Comment
I have had Lyme and anaplasmosis. I got a tick bite last mon or tues. I pulled it out, it was irritated. I kept an eyey on it. By Friday night, the irritation/rash had doubled. Went to the walk in Sunday am (the first opportunity I had) and the doc DID put me on doxy. Couldnt test for 2 weeks and it would just show my previous infection. My tick was NOT embedded for 24 hours and guess what? I have all the symptoms of Lyme. Just because your experience is different doesn't mean its absolute. I think you're rude.
August 5, 2015 - 10:14amThis Comment
Hi Sysy,
What did your doctor say? Has s/he seen you?
November 17, 2011 - 5:42amThis Comment
Hi rosa!
November 17, 2011 - 4:43pmWent to the doctor today and they checked it out. They said I have Cellulitis and it looks like a classic sign of Lyme Disease. They tested me and said they won't know for 3 days if i have previously been exposed to lyme disease, and that I won't know if this bite exposed me to lyme disease for 28 days (when I have a retest). They put me on Doxycicline for 2 weeks, and said if I develop a fever or worsening symptoms to come back. I have a lot of join pain, but hopefully the medicine will help with that.
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