I have gotten many tick bites this year. over 15 (We live in the woods), but this tick bite woke me up in the middle of the night causing a lot of pain throughout my leg, it's very difficult to walk now. I have provided a link with a picture of my thigh where the tick bite is. But when I woke up, I pulled off the tick and that little area was numb but the rest of my leg was in terrible pain. Now it hurts all over the leg and walking is so painful on it. Do you think it could be lyme disease?
The way it looks and feels is scaring me. It hurts A LOT.
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Dr put me on doxy immediately after seeing me
October 19, 2019 - 3:45pmThis Comment
I disagree with you
June 5, 2017 - 8:57pmThis Comment
Well then you need to" pay attention to me" as well because I found this post when I was looking for my own symptoms. Mine are exactly the same as this persons, and yes, it happened very fast. I know that the tick was not there yesterday because it was on my leg, and I just shaved them yesterday morning, and no tick. I found one today because it felt like I was being poked or stabbed by something. I pulled out the entire tick. Now just hours later, I have increased pain and a dime sized red spot. This persons description doesn't sound "extremely exaggerated" at all.
April 23, 2016 - 7:02pmThis Comment
I had a very sharp and painful bite on my shoulder. I reached back and the tick was not embedded. It looked diff errant than ticks I remembered. It was a Lone Star Tick. I had no problems for months. Then a bump appeared where the tick bit me. Dr scraped it off a little. There was a black dot in center. It has been irritated ever since. But no circles or redness. This was the only tick bite I have ever had in 68 yrs that I felt. Weird.
June 9, 2018 - 11:56pmThis Comment
This happened to me today , found one burried in my upper thigh, I got the whole thing out ,
November 2, 2017 - 6:05pmIt is a deer tick. My doc put me on antibiotics,
But now it feels like a big bruise, and getting bigger.
This Comment
I just came from the doctor. I had a tic bite as well we removed the whole tic last evening. It was behind my knee and I don't know how long it was there, I have a large bruise at the site about 4 inches by 2 inches. It stings and burns. Doc is giving me a preventative dose of antibiotics. Which they will do within 72 hours of a tic bite if it meets the CDC criteria.
June 29, 2017 - 8:27amThis Comment
I'm sorry this post is old but I was having a pain on my left leg I go to get into the shower and noticed a tick embedded in the back of my leg.it hurts really bad and is swollen.ive already had Lyme's disease when I was younger.is it normal for a tick bite to cause such pain already?
February 19, 2017 - 5:47pmThis Comment
Me too! I had one bite me last night that woke me up from a dead sleep and made my arm feel like it was FULL of abscesses (which it wasn't). Now I have a red cherry area where I pulled it off and it has been hurting REALLY badly ever since. I am a nurse and I have had my fair share of tick bites over the years. We work with rescue dogs, go pioneer camping and hiking and such. I have NEVER experienced a bite like this. It has me scared and I am in the process of finding out where I can get it tested.
January 19, 2017 - 8:40amThis Comment
did you find out anything?
April 16, 2017 - 3:43pmThis Comment
I did leaf work on Saturday morning here in CT. By 3pm Sunday the underside of my knee/top of my shin was absolutely killing me - as if I had been hit there by a hammer. I did not remember walking into anything and banging my leg, but the pain was so severe - I was wracking my brain trying to imagine and remember, what I did to myself. I was wearing "skinny jeans" and could not roll them up to look at my shin. The pain just kept getting worse and I am usually not a wimp about pain as I constantly bruise/cut/scrape myself while doing things and live with it. Around 8:30 I was home and changed into my sweat pants and had a look. I had a huge red, swollen bruise on the very top of my shin right under my kneecap with a very small "scab" in the middle of it. The "scab" had a small outline of red blood - so I still thought I had whacked myself extra hard and even broken the skin which "had already formed a small scab". Shortly after I found the "injury" - my head began to spin so badly, just out of the blue. I went on like this until Tuesday morning when I saw that the "scab" was about to flake off. I went to brush it off, but instead wound up having to PULL IT OUT!!! The scab had 8 tiny legs and crawled on my hand. I am on 200mgs of Doxycyline a day and very sick with a headache like a spinal tap headache, stiff neck and joints, fevers, night sweats and chills, and a bull's eye rash.
November 30, 2016 - 6:52pmThis Comment