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is there a book/manual on schizoaffective disorder

By Anonymous August 18, 2011 - 11:59am
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my 25 year old son was recently dx'd with schizoaffective disorder and i was wondering if somebody could recommend a book for him to help him understand what he is going through and something for the family to help him and to understand his symptoms and what to do to avoid getting frustrated and discouraged?? thank you

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Hi Anonymous,
Becoming familiar with the disorder is an excellent way for all of you to better cope. I cannot offer a personal recommendation but here is some information that I found for you.
SHIZOAFFECTIVE.org: http://www.schizoaffective.org/
This site offers support lists for patients and families, live chat and helpful links.
Schizoaffective Disorders:http://books.google.com/books/about/Schizoaffective_disorders.html?id=FW8UOQAACAAJ
You can review this book on Google books before making a purchase.
Amazon.com offers a wide selection of books on this disorder.
Wishing you, your son and your family only the best,


August 18, 2011 - 4:30pm
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