Hi im on day 8 of my cycle just finished my period. Today me and my bf had sex we had 5 rounds all with protection. Some rounds he pulled out with a condom. Some he didnt, either way he checked and I saw there was no leakage or anything. We washed hands and our privates. I gave him oral then we kissed and then he gave me oral and fingered me. Thats all we basically did. Between these acts we gave each other oral and fingered. Is there any risk?? Thankyou
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Hello Anon
You ask us these same questions every week. Are you reading the replies to you? Are they helping? It appears they are not - are you unable to access replies to you? Please let us know.
A woman can get pregnant when she has unprotected intercourse with a man, and around the week before actual ovulation. So if she has a fairly regular cycle, she ovulates around day 14. This means she can get pregnant from about day 8 or 9 before ovulation and all the days up to Day 14 (approx). Fingering and oral sex do not cause pregnancy.
We cannot give specific or accurate replies to people wondering if they may become pregnant as there are too many variables involved.
September 28, 2020 - 3:21pmThis Comment