Cause I'm confused about a pregnancy, she finish her circle on the 2nd, she had sex with her Ex on the 3rd, and on the 5th 6th she had unprotected sex, but used postunor2 on the 5th, And came to me on the 8th we had sex and on the 10th we had unprotected sex... can she confirm pregnancy of the days of 3rd 5th and 6th after using postunor2 on the 5th?
Please I need a rightful and helpful answer
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Hello Anon
Thank you for writing!
Nobody can give you a fully accurate answer. That is what pregnancy testing is for.
Since this woman took emergency contraception after having sex three times, her risk is very low. Her risk of getting pregnant by you would be higher but the large dose of hormones in her system from emergency contraception may protect her somewhat.
So if she does become pregnant (you will need a pregnancy test), you would be more likely the father but there is no guarantee. To know for sure, a paternity test will need to be done.
August 28, 2020 - 8:09amThis Comment