Hi me and my bf were together he started off fingering me then we had sex he put on a condom it was with safety after he. checked nothing leaked or anything then after we washed hands and my vagina after some time he gave me oral and fingered me again then i gave him oral then we did round two with a condom safety again he checked the condom and everything then again we washed hands and cleaned up and I washed my vagina later on again some fingering and oral then round 3 with condom again he checked everything he didnt even ejaculate so i dont think there was even anything in the condom again we washed hands cleaned up and i washed my vagina just in case everytime after that he just fingered me and gave me oral and i gave him oral thats it. Is there any risk? We used protection (condom) everytime and washed hands after everytime and washed our genitals after every time just to be extra careful. thank you so much.
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Hello again, Anon! Thank you for writing
You have asked this question a few times. I hope you are reading and understanding our replies. A woman can become pregnant if she has unprotected sex during ovulation. Based on what you have said, there is no risk of pregnancy. If used correctly, each and every time you have sex, condoms are about 98% effective at preventing pregnancy.
September 5, 2020 - 7:02amThis Comment
Hi from the past days my stomach been hurting at night only i don’t know if its a digestive issue or linked with this but it only happens at night as soon as i lay in bed sometimes it sharp pain sometimes it gas then when i stand up or sit i get burps the first few days i got it i ate nuggets from outside. But i don't know whats going on ... one of the days my stomach felt gassy and i felt nauseous and mouth felt dry other days stomach just hurt im so worried please help is this a symptom or something
September 17, 2020 - 9:02pmThis Comment
September 18, 2020 - 12:42pmThis Comment