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removal of ducts in breast

By July 14, 2011 - 4:43pm
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I am a 46 yr.old female who have been having discharge from my right breast. I have had a mammogram and ultrasound which was normal yet I keep having this discharge. I am now seeing a breast cancer surgeon who has advised me to have a procedure to have my ducts removed...my question is, what is entailed in this procedure and how long is the recovery and what exactly is the cause of this discharge?

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Those are all very good questions that you need to ask the breast cancer surgeon. Before your appointment, get a small notebook or pad. Make a list of all your questions, such as you have asked here. The surgeon is the expert and can tell you exactly what will be done during the procedure. Take notes during the appointment. Take a friend or spouse along because a second person may remember information that you may forget.
Your physician will know what is the cause of your discharge. He or she is the person to ask.

July 14, 2011 - 5:19pm
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