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Missed one birth control pill, had unprotected sex, then took two pills. Could I be pregnant?

By Anonymous January 17, 2010 - 8:57am
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I have been taking Yaz birth control pills (without missing any) for 17 days, consecutively. On the 18th day, I missed my pill, and then had unprotected sex. I came home and took two pills right away as it had been over 24 hours since my last dose. I took last night's pill at my normal time. There are only three more active pills left in the packet. I was wondering if I have been on Yaz long enough to prevent pregnancy, or if missing a pill could still get me pregnant even though I doubled up on pills right away.

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Thank you for your question. Anytime you have sex, you risk the chance of becoming pregnant. Using birth control is preventative although, there is still a chance. Did you use a back up condom? Research indicates that if you take the Pill 7 consecutive days, you are protected although still there is a chance as there is no guarantee.

If you ever miss taking the Pill, you should always have a backup (condom), although you should always be using a condom anyhow since the Pill does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). I know this is a stressful time waiting and wondering but the only way you will really know is if you take a pregnancy test. You should wait to see if you miss your period or if you are concerned, try a pregnancy test as they are 99% accurate. I hope this helps.

January 17, 2010 - 9:49am
EmpowHER Guest

The time frame here looks something like this:
Wednesday, January 13th, 8:00PM: Pill taken
Thursday, January 14th: Pill missed
Friday, January 15th 4:00PM-9:00PM: Unprotected sex, 2 pills taken
Saturday, January 16th 8:00PM: Pill taken

January 17, 2010 - 9:06am
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