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Lately I've had swelling in my legs ankles and feet to the point where I can't wear shoes. Why?

By Anonymous August 31, 2017 - 8:28pm
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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing!

*Foot, leg, and ankle swelling is also known as peripheral edema, which refers to an accumulation of fluid in these parts of the body.

Some causes for leg and/or ankle swelling may be caused by weight. Excess body mass can decrease blood circulation, causing fluid to build up in the feet, legs, and ankles. Standing or sitting for long periods. When the muscles are inactive, they can't pump body fluids back up toward the heart. The retention of water and blood can cause swelling in the legs. An injury of some sort can cause the foot or ankle to swell.

You will need to see your doctor to know more, please make an appointment.

September 1, 2017 - 7:59am
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