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If you cramp a week before your period, spot then bleed heavy for two days and spot after are you pregnant?

By Anonymous April 9, 2009 - 7:13pm
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I started cramping a week before my period was due. I was spotting for two days then I began to have heavy bleeding for two days. After the two days of heavy bleeding I began to spot for two days and then nothing. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. My mom and sister thinks it may be to early to detect pregnancy but i think I'm not..although the period was not as heavy as I'm used to and the fact that I don't usually get cramps during my period. Should I take another test? Is something wrong with me?

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EmpowHER Guest

my last period was Dec 10 then i started to spot on the Jan 1 then missed the whole month of Jan the Feb 2 i started to cramp really hard so i went to the bathroom to check my self it was light red so im like ok im finally starting my period i start to bleed heavy for 2days now today i jus see light bleeding idk wat to do......my head hurt stomach i eat so much but sometime feel like i have to throw up.....with my first kid i did not even no until i was 6weeks plz help me

February 4, 2014 - 8:57am
EmpowHER Guest

I had two periods this month ,i usually start my period every month on the 2nd and i last for 8 days but this month i started on the 2nd ,i bleed for my whole 8 days and then on the 28 i had another period and it only lasted for 3 days,now here comes the 2nd again and theres no period but i cramped all day and i was throwing up mucus and i was very sick..me and my boyfriebd been havin unprotected sex since the 20th of last month..can i be pregnant ?

February 4, 2014 - 12:13am

Hi I'm a bit new to this hut wondering if anyone can help. My cycle seems to have gone a bit hay wire this month normally its pretty clock work each month give or take 1-7 days either side of the date its due lasts for 7 days quite heavy then ovulate within the next week after it finishes. We are not trying to get pregnant so I have been using a diaphragm successfully for almost 3 years now too. This month my period started the day it was due was very light for 4 days then stopped unusual for me but didn't think much of it 5 days after it finished I woke up early hours with immense pain on the right side like ovulation pains but really intense I got up went to the toilet they went on a bit longer then they dissipated enough to get a few more hours sleep then I was woken up by them I got out of bed and had a gush of blood what I would normally experience on a really heavy day after getting up in the morning the cramps returned in waves throughout the day and I continued to get what seemed like a period no more clots than usual or larger (not really anyway at all) I have no history of fibroids or cysts and nothing was picked up during ultrasounds with my 2 pregnancies (last of which was almost 3 years ago) any ideas?

January 19, 2014 - 8:27pm
Guide (reply to Phoenix_6)

Hello Phoenix_6,

I would like to welcome you to the EmpowHER . My suggestion is to contact your gynecologist. Intense pain and heavy bleeding is reason for alarm and needs to be evaluated by a physician.


January 20, 2014 - 6:12pm
EmpowHER Guest

please help me understand the the last 2 test i took they both had faint lines but the one i did this morning it was a BFN? why would it do that

January 17, 2014 - 12:07am
EmpowHER Guest

Hello i need help my last period started on the 19th of December and finished on the 24th i had unprotected sex on the 2nd and the 10th of Jan anyway it is now the 15th and i had dark brown discharge this morning out of the blue anyway it stopped i got home from work about 6 at night and it got so heavy and bloodclots you name it i was in pain but about 11pm it stopped i have no idea what is happening please help thankyou

January 14, 2014 - 7:40am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

I can only imagine how frightening this must have been. I am guessing that you might have had a miscarriage, sometimes called a spontaneous abortion. Around half of all fertilized eggs die and are lost or aborted spontaneously, usually before the woman knows she is pregnant.

The symptoms include
low back pain or abdominal pain that is dull, sharp or cramping
clot-like material that passes from the vaginal
vaginal bleeding with or without abdominal cramps

Anonymous, to be safe, please give your gynecologist or primary care physician a call and report this. Considering the fact that you had unprotected sex on January 10, about the time you ovulated, there is a chance that you conceived.


January 14, 2014 - 5:29pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

thankyou for answering
do you know how next time to better my chances of not miscarrying ? and also should i wait a week and test again just to be sure? and my nearest gyn is 3 hours away..i live in a small town :)

January 15, 2014 - 12:27am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

I don't think it is worth taking a home pregnancy test. The heavy vaginal bleeding with clots indicates that you have expelled the lining of the uterus and any early beginning of an embryo.

I realize that your gynecologist is three hours away, but it is important that you schedule an appointment and plan to make the trip. Your physician will examine you and can determine if indeed it was a miscarriage. Then, you can ask any questions.


January 16, 2014 - 6:19pm
EmpowHER Guest

Me and my partner had unprotected sex on the 24and the morning of the 25th which is when I normally come on.. We've been trying for a baby for a while now so he came in me everytime..it started of light pink from the 26to 27 stopping and spotting. Now it's just a little heavier but not like normal periods. IT won't fill the tampon do you think I should go to the hospital...could I be pregnant or just my cycle

Please help

December 28, 2013 - 12:03pm
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