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Hi I'm a bit new to this hut wondering if anyone can help. My cycle seems to have gone a bit hay wire this month normally its pretty clock work each month give or take 1-7 days either side of the date its due lasts for 7 days quite heavy then ovulate within the next week after it finishes. We are not trying to get pregnant so I have been using a diaphragm successfully for almost 3 years now too. This month my period started the day it was due was very light for 4 days then stopped unusual for me but didn't think much of it 5 days after it finished I woke up early hours with immense pain on the right side like ovulation pains but really intense I got up went to the toilet they went on a bit longer then they dissipated enough to get a few more hours sleep then I was woken up by them I got out of bed and had a gush of blood what I would normally experience on a really heavy day after getting up in the morning the cramps returned in waves throughout the day and I continued to get what seemed like a period no more clots than usual or larger (not really anyway at all) I have no history of fibroids or cysts and nothing was picked up during ultrasounds with my 2 pregnancies (last of which was almost 3 years ago) any ideas?

January 19, 2014 - 8:27pm


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