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if any one have well defind spiculated soft tissue how mach chance that she became normal?

By Anonymous May 19, 2011 - 1:50pm
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I would very much like to answer your question but I need more information.
A spiculated soft tissue mass is a lump of tissue with spikes or points on the surface.Benign soft tissue tumors can occur at almost any site, both within and between muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. Benign soft tissue tumors may or may not cause pain and vary widely in appearance. If the tumor grows or causes pain, it should be assessed by a doctor.Depending on the type of tumor you have, your doctor may or may not recommend surgery. Tumors are removed surgically with the goal of minimizing risk to surrounding normal blood vessels, nerves, muscle or bone.
This is general information. If you have a spiculated soft tissue mass, I suggest you ask your doctor what treatment is recommended and your prognosis.

May 19, 2011 - 5:57pm
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