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Hi my name is Beatrice n I found out I'm 6wks pregnant I've been spotting is that normal during pregnancy n should I worry?

By January 15, 2010 - 8:31pm
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Hi Beatrice,

Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to EmpowHer.

At 6 weeks, it is very common for some women to spot bleed. Normally at around 4 weeks, or at about the time your period should be coming, something called implantation bleeding occurs. Implantation bleeding is when the fertilized egg is implanting itself onto your uterus. Due to the blood-rich endometrial lining, some spotting may occur as a result.

It may be possible that you did not conceive when you think you did and that instead of 6 weeks you're between 4-5 weeks or the spotting may also be old blood. If it's brownish-pinkish in nature you should have nothing to worry about though I would still mention it to my doctor on my first visit.
However, if what you are spotting is bright, red blood then I would suggest going to your OB asap or taking a trip to the ER because that may be a threatened miscarriage. (Keeping my fingers crossed that this is not the case with you)

I hope this answered your question. Best of luck to you during your pregnancy!

January 16, 2010 - 6:56am
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