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Enlarged lymph nodes and breast masses

By Anonymous March 6, 2013 - 12:15pm
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I am 35 years old. I went in for a routine mammogram last month (my doctor likes to get a baseline for all patients at 35). I was told there were some abnormalities and went in yesterday for a more diagnostic mammogram and ultrasounds of both breasts. They found 3 enlarged lymph nodes (2 on the left, 1 on the right), 2 hard masses on the left and 1 complex cyst on the right (I don't know sizes of any of these). The radiologist at the breast center set me up with an appointment with a breast surgeon next week to go over the results and to schedule biopsies of all 6 sites. I have a history of endometriosis and have been on depo for 11 years (it is the only thing that helps). My questions are these: does this seem to be normal for women on hormone therapy? What are the best questions to have in hand for the appointment? does one or more of these (lymph nodes, masses or cyst) pose more of a threat?
Thanks for your time.

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Hello Anonymous,

The questions which you pose are just the ones to ask when you meet with the breast surgeon.

You can ask if there is a correlation between the breast masses and Depo-Provera treatment, if a history of endometriosis is linked to the breast masses, and can these findings be indicative of a more serious breast condition.

If the surgeon recommends any further treatment, be certain you understand all the risks and benefits before leaving the appointment.


March 6, 2013 - 5:51pm
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