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Early Scan...nothing seen, hcg doubling

By June 19, 2010 - 10:19am
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Just wondering if anyone could put my mind at rest??

My LMP was on May 7th, so by my dates I am 6 weeks + 1.

Due to a MC in February 2010, ectopic in November 2008 (left tube removed) and ectopic in October 2003 which MC by itself, I was sent for an early scan. (We do have a wonderful five & a half year old son).

My 1st hcg on Monday 7th was 99, 48 hrs later (Wed 9th) was 280 :D more than doubled. A week later (Wed 16th) it had continued doubling every 48 hours and was 4522.

I had a scan before the last hcg results (5w+5) but NOTHING could be seen at all. Two different people looked - externally AND internally. NOTHING. It was mentioned that a corpeus luteum could be seen and there were three unidentifiable black areas which could be seen by lots of probing.

On Friday 18th, more bloods and another scan. Hcg not doubled this time in the 48 hours - only up by just over 50% at 8165. NOTHING on scan again.

I have to go back for more bloods tomorrow, then wait for someone to look at my notes and call me on Monday.

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on??? Please??!

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Hi Laurie - I have responded to your question with a private message email.

June 19, 2010 - 12:06pm
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