I had my progesterone levels checked on CD 21 of my last cycle. I was 3 dpo so from everything I've read this is early. Typical tests are at 7 dpo. My level came back at 7.52 which indicates that I did indeed ovulate, but is considered to be low (from what I've read over 10 indicates a level to support pregnancy). I'm wondering if progesterone would have increased if I had been checked at 7 dpo. Is it more effective to use progesterone orally or in vaginal suppositories?
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Hi Anonymous,
Recommendations to go on progesterone should be best left to you and your doctor to decide together. If s/he has recommended that you go on progesterone and low progesterone may have been the cause for your miscarriages, then this would be something worth considering.
Plan your care accordingly with your doctor and best wishes!
April 2, 2012 - 7:33amThis Comment
I should also mention that I've had two miscarriages in the last 8 months. The first was in September and was a missed miscarriage. I was 10 weeks and the baby was measuring 8 weeks, 1 day with no fetal heartbeat. I waited 5 additional weeks and then elected to have a D & C. I had another miscarriage in January at 4 weeks 3 days. This was very early, but my hcg level when checked was 3207 so my doctor termed it a blighted ovum. They are now wondering if my miscarriages were caused by low progesterone.
April 1, 2012 - 6:29pmThis Comment