Sorry so many details are required for this question!
Ok here goes...
We haven't been TTC nor have we tried to avoid it. I have been pregnant (successfully DD 4yro now) and I found out extremely soon I was pregnant that time with this child. I wasn’t tracking fertility as this was one of those pleasant surprises but after ultrasounds confirmed my true dates it was believed to have ovulated on/around 10/17 and I actually tested on 10/24 (wasn’t displaying any "signs" just had a gut feeling things weren’t right) and it was positive. 3yrs later I started having my share of PMS/Ovulation pains and we weren't TTC so I tried to follow the Drs orders and tried birth control...literally everything from pills to NuvaRing...I am extremely sensitive to hormones and the side effects of the birth control was always too intense for me tolerate and I'd prefer the heavy periods and ovulation pain to feeling miserable daily. My last trial with BC was in Feb and was pills. Again, I was miserable and chose to stop, took the last pill on March 5th. (I felt extreme nausea, cramps, backaches, headaches and very sore breast while taking the birth control.) My period was expected around March 7/8th and as expected it came. However, after my period these PMS-like symptoms didn’t stop, so I assumed this was my body still trying to level off from the birth control. On March 17 & 18th we were intimate (multiple times) and he expressed his desires for #2 so we agreed to throwing caution to the wind and letting it happen. So, judging by the calendar method this would have been during my "fertile window" the next evening the mild cramps returned which didn't alarm me becuase we had sex. So on March 20 & 21st I noticed light spotting the 1st visit to the bathroom for the day (TMI sorry, but I assumed it too was because of sex), later throughout the day the cramps turned more intense as with a heavy, sore feeling in my breasts (there was occasional off and on backaches as well). On the 21st the pain was more centralized to on side but still cramped all over and I had back pain, headaches, bleeding gums when I brushed my teeth and even the nasty taste in my mouth. I tested yesterday just out of curiosity that maybe we'd had an accident prior to starting/during the birth control even though I was well aware of my 6 day HEAVY period I had on March 7th-12th (which was normal). I wrote it off as possible ovulation pain until today because I tossed and turned all night and couldn’t sleep, felt pressure in my lower abdomen while attempting to sleep (I sleep on my stomach) and today I've been so nauseated that it's crazy and only feel better when I'm shoving something down my throat lol not to mention my nose feels like I haven’t blown it in a month, my breasts have itched so bad I even went to get Hydrocortisone Cream, and extremely frequent urination, I didn’t sleep well so of course I’m exhausted and still have the headaches and constant pressure in my lower back. I'm not sure what's going with my body and would really like some insight as to if it's a possible conception/implantion or another underlying health issue that should be checked out?
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Bleeding gums along with other dental issues, breast discomfort and nausea all ‘can’ be signs of pregnancy, but it’s best to check with your doctor to find out there may be another cause especially if you're pregnancy test came back negative.
If you are pregnant, you may want to track your symptoms against this pregnancy symptoms calendar should your doctor.
March 22, 2012 - 2:15pm
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