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Confused if im pregnant or not . Continuous BFN follwed by AF (Not sure ) Preg symptoms continues . BFN still . Please help me

By Anonymous March 14, 2017 - 3:17pm
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Im 24 years old. My AF was on 01/12/2016. Married to my DH on 26/12/2017 . I had my first SI on 31/12/2016 and continued everyday TTC . My next AF was on 18/01/2017. Started having SI again after my AFstopped continuing from 25/01/2017 till 12/02/2017. My DH moved to another country for job ( I must have Ovulated on 16/02/2017 ) I felt pregnancy symptoms such as frequent urination , abdominal cramps ( mostly on left , but at times even on the right side ) nausea , sore boobs . HPT negative on 24/02/2017. AF started on 02/03/2017 . Started with a bright red bleed in tissue but continued to be very light flow for 4 days when compared to my all other AF in past ( lasts for 7 days usually ) . HPT negative on 09/03/2017. My belly seems to be very sensitive even for a touch . But till today ( 14/03/2017) i have all preg symptoms except that my frequent urination has stopped . Planning for another HPT in the morning . Could it be that im having a low hcg that its not being detected in HPTs or can it be ectopic ( praying hard it shouldn't be ) .

The bleed which i had - can it be implantation bleed or breakthrough bleed ? Is there a possibility or similar cases where HPT can be negative for so many days ?
If my implantation had occured ... i must be 5 weeks 4 days now . Will my hcg still be low that it goes undetected in HPT ?
Please do help me with my doubts . My DH is not with me now to help me out . Feeling so helpless . But hoping for the best !!!
Waiting for your reply ... badly waiting

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