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chances of ectopic pregnancy

By Anonymous November 15, 2016 - 12:47am
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I'm 3 weeks late, & I've taken 5 preg. test which have all been negative minus one; it was extremely faint. (barely noticeable). I have been extremely tired, peeing a lot, lower back aches, sharp pain on my right side, nausea, bloating, & lower abdominal cramps (cramps like a period but sometimes hurts a little more than that) .. I'd like to know if this sounds like an ectopic pregnancy. My ob is booked so i only have an ER as an option. Also in case this helps, I had a baby a year ago.

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. Thank you for reaching out to our community for advice about your late period and concern if it might be an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy will give you a positive pregnancy test, as the hormone produced still gets into the blood stream. If you have a negative pregnancy test, would be very unlikely to be an ectopic, but there are rare situations when this can happen.

Let's look at the five tests. When did you test? Was it in the morning? Did you test with the urine when you first woke up?
If you tested properly, you can accept the results.

Other factors, such as high stress levels, illness, increase in physical activity or exercise, along with either a marked increase or decrease in weight, can cause a late period.

I don't think your symptoms require a trip to the emergency room. Reach out to your gynecologist. If you cannot get an appointment right away, ask if he or she can call you back to discuss your concerns.


November 15, 2016 - 8:21am
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