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Can Trichomoniasis be confused with BV (bacterial vaginosis) ?

By March 20, 2010 - 8:38pm
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My boyfriend and I have been seeing eachother for 3 months. Recently I noticed a fishy smell coming from my vagina. I went to see the doctor who told me I probably had Trichomoniasis. She gave me Flagil. My boyfriend is freaking out because he thinks I gave it to him...even though he hasn't been tested. I know I have not been with anyone but him for the past 3 months and he swears the same. We only see eachother once a week or so because we live a distance from eachother. Is it possible that he could have gotten it from his last girlfriend and passed it along to me? Or is it possible that I have BV (bacterial vaginosis) and not Trichomoniasis, since no test was ever performed? Now if he goes to the doctor and has a test and it shows negative, does that mean I gave it to him? Please help! This is ruining our relationship!

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You're so right. And any asshole that will try to make you feel like you're insane and make you feel bad for the messed up crap they do is not worth the air they breathe. I've been treated like this several times and it's disgusting.

May 24, 2016 - 7:25pm
EmpowHER Guest

I was with the same person for 4 years and recently started having unprotected sex with someone new and recently started having problems down there it got to be unbearable so I went to my dr and they said I had trichomonas I also had a baby 7 months ago and did not have anything before birth my partner was tested and came back negative he is the only person I was wit
h since my baby was born could I have been misdiagnosed?

August 10, 2012 - 4:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

im scared to because in november i had unprotected sex with my boifriend and ever since then i have experianced a smelly discharqe and it happens alot and idk what to do and im scared to qo to a doctor but a friend suqqested that i soak myslef in warm bath water add one tablesppon of vineqar and add the juice of one lemon ? should i or not ?

January 19, 2011 - 3:00pm
(reply to Anonymous)

If you have vaginal discharge that has a bad odor, the only way to treat it is by knowing exactly what it is. To know what it is, you need to go to the doctor. Don't be scared...the tests are usually a medical exam (have you been to the gynecologist yet? you need to, since you are sexually active), or other tests may be blood sample or urine sample (just pee in a cup).

The longer you wait to go to the doctor, the harder your infection may be to treat. Sometimes women have vaginal infections that have nothing to do with being sexually active. It is important to call your doctor and talk about the symptoms you are having, so you can get treatment! When infections are left untreated, they can become more severe, so please call today.

January 20, 2011 - 12:41pm

It was gone within 2 days...so I"m not sure it was either of these things..now my BF is very upset and thinks I gave him Tric and won't talk to me!

March 21, 2010 - 4:20pm
(reply to infoready1971)

It is unclear what bacteria or other infection you may have had, since no diagnostic test was performed. Please, next time...before accepting any medication, make sure that you have the proper diagnosis before taking a prescription for something you may/may not have.

Since it is not clear if you had this STD or not, there are a few options that your boyfriend has:
1. He can be tested for trichomoniasis, which is actually a good idea, since you two can continue spreading it back-and-forth if you have sex again. You can read more about it at the CDC website: Trichomoniasis (CDC). Another good reason for him to get tested: if he does NOT have it, and it is highly contagious, then you probably didn't have it, either, and just had another type of vaginal infection.
2. This is a good test of your relationship, assuming neither of you had any other sexual partners in the last 3 months. Men typically can be a carrier and not have symptoms, but women typically do have symptoms within 5-30 days of infection. (Any of his female partners hopefully would have told them if they had this before they broke up, assuming he did not have sex with you within 30 days of breaking up with them). If you both are unsure where the STD came from, you do not know if you had it, he does not get tested...then you two need to communicate and decide if there is enough of a foundation of trust to move past this. It really is his choice to be upset or not, but he has the power, control and choice to get all the facts and be tested himself.

I hope you also protect yourself, as if he is this upset and refusing to talk with you AND refusing to get tested...it puts enough doubt in my mind that he may not be telling you the entire truth. If you choose to have sex with him again, please use a condom until he has been tested (and, it's a good idea to continue using a condom to protect yourself from other STDs that he can be carrying and not know).

good luck! I'm glad you are feeling better!

March 21, 2010 - 7:27pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hi Infoready,

Thank you for your question. Usually, the diagnosis of Trich or BV will be tested by your physician. As the previous post, I am unsure why you were treated with trich without any testing first.

Signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?
a strong fishy smell, especially after sex
white or grey discharge
watery or foamy discharge
Some cases are so mild that women don't know they have it.

Signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis
While trichomoniasis affects both women and men, symptoms are more common in women. Most men with trichomoniasis do not have any signs or symptoms. However, some men may have a temporary irritation inside the penis, mild discharge, or notice a slight burning after peeing (urinating) or ejaculating. Some women may have signs or symptoms which include:
discharge that is green, yellow or grey
a bad smell
itching in or around the vagina
pain during sex
pain when peeing (urinating).
As you can see, there are slight differences between the two although testing by your physician would be the only way you can be sure as they are two different bacterias. Since you have taken the medication, are you experiencing any more signs that there are problems?

March 21, 2010 - 9:37am

Not sure if I can help your relationship issues but I suggest seeing a new doctor or go back to your doctor and ask for a pap test. Silly why he didn't and just assumed you had Trichomoniasis. There could be many different reasons why you are experiencing a different scent down there but to be sure go to your doctor. It could be as simple as your PH levels being all wonky and the mixture of his pre-ejaculation or semen in your vagina that is giving off this new scent. As for your boyfriend, it''s great that you have communicated this with him. It's also great the he is going to get tested. One way to protect yourselves from STD's is of course wearing a condom. Hope things turn out for you and please see your doctor and demand a pap to be done. Take care.

March 21, 2010 - 1:46am
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