I fractured 3 metatarsals last year. It took several months to heal. Cast caused a blood clot. Just alot of problems. Towards the end of the healing I started having alot of pain and nerve pain in my legs. Several months and Drs later I was positive for Lyme. The only time I remember a bite was over 20 years ago. Is it possible I had Lyme and the fracture triggered it?
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Hi Pkayd - You're making sense, it's the information that's very confusing. That's why I thought it might help to check out some support groups, perhaps there are others who've had experiences like yours and could shed some new light on this. An organization that I've found helpful is Daily Strength, and they do have a Lyme Disease group. You can find it here: http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Lyme-Disease/support-group
Good luck to you, this is certainly puzzling and I hope you find some answers!
July 7, 2010 - 6:52pmThis Comment
Alison I forgot to mention I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. That is just so strange that it can surface after so long. I am having a hard time believing that I have Lyme since it was so long ago. I read things from other Lyme sufferers and I do have all the same symptoms. I just don't remember any other time being bitten. And it's just so odd that as soon as my foot was healing all this started. Anyway, thank you for your response.
Pat thank you also for responding. The site you recommended was interesting. I'm a little confused still though. If Lyme does manifest for several years and not surface, when it does surface, I would not have thought of that as chronic. Am I not understanding this correctly? Sorry if I'm not making sense.
July 1, 2010 - 9:55pmThis Comment
Pkayd - It was hard to find information about the long term effects of Lyme Disease, but I did find a report about a Johns Hopkins study, "Chronic Lyme Disease vs. Post-Lyme Disease." Some physicians believe that Lyme Disease can be a long term chronic illness. You can find the report at this link:
I reviewed some of the Lyme Disease support organizations but could not find information on long term effects. You may want to consider writing one of the organizations to see if they have done any research on this, or would be interested in doing so.
Hope this helps! Pat
July 1, 2010 - 5:32pmThis Comment
HI Pkayd,
Let us look into that for you. I know that stress can act as a trigger for Lyme-disease symptoms to "surface" (this recently happened to my cousin; he was also affected by Lyme disease 20 years ago, and it is just now causing more problems after being diagnosed with other medical conditions). I am unsure if a stress fracture could trigger Lyme disease from 20 years ago (but, then again, I did not realize that this disease could manifest itself and be symptomatic after decades, either!).
Can you tell us what symptoms you are experiencing?
July 1, 2010 - 2:27pmAre you being treated for these symptoms?
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Yes I am being treated. I was one of the lucky ones if anyone of us are lucky. My test came back positive 2 diff times 2 diff labs and I have a Dr that is very informed of Lyme. I'm on Rocephrin now but was on claforan. After 7 wks of claforan I developed an allergic reaction. Symptoms to name just a few of MANY nerve, tingling head to toe. Legs are the worst. Muscle pain and weakness. Brain fog. Swelling and pain at knee joints.
July 1, 2010 - 3:10pmThis Comment