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Can I get pregnant from this?

By November 17, 2013 - 3:30am
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Okay, so yesterday, I was at my boyfriend's house and we got carried away, kinda. We were making out and then he got on top of me. He stripped naked, but I had on leggings and underwear. He put his penis partially in my vagina and I'm unsure if the wetness was from him or me, but after my leggings were, like, soaked. So yea. I've read that sperm can't swim through fabric, but I've read other places that it can. And the day previous I had jus ended my period. So I jus wanna take this precaution rather than be sorry later. How high/low is my percentage I am pregnant?

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EmpowHER Guest

My girlfriend and I was dry humping and after 2 days he just had her period but it was light and brown in color is she pregnant? Help please. We really need help.

August 27, 2016 - 7:49am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Is she still having her period? Has the flow increased and turned red in color? Did you only have dry humping and not sex?


August 29, 2016 - 9:17am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

This day she feel pain in her breast. Is she pregnant?

August 31, 2016 - 12:04pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

We didn't have sex. I just rub my thing to her panty. And now she feel pain in her breast.

August 31, 2016 - 12:02pm
EmpowHER Guest

Me & my boyfriend got carried away when we was making out & ended up having sex while we was doing it I was wet but when we were done, I was dry & when I woke up I was dry too but the inside is somewhat wet but its always like tht (tmi I kno sorry) but Im not sure if he ejaculated inside me or not, he said he didnt but im paranoid.

August 13, 2016 - 7:20am
EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend and i had sex a few weeks ago with condom. I was on top. Then he took off the condom. I just want to know if i could get pregnant by sitting on his penis without putting it in my vagina. He didnt wash his penis yet. He just took off the condom and made me sit on his penis.

August 10, 2016 - 5:40am
EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend and I were having sex with a condom but right before he came he pulled out, took off the condom, and came on me. He rubbed his penis in it, and slide the tip back in for a couple of seconds should I be worried about the chance of pregnancy

August 7, 2016 - 2:40am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous,

Yes, you should be worried because he introduced fresh semen into your vagina.


August 8, 2016 - 8:26am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi, my name is Zoe. My boyfriend and I were messing around yesterday (1st of August) and he put his penis in (without a condom) for about a minute before I freaked out and got off. I gave him head earlier but he didn't cum or had any pre-cum. Is there a possibility that I might be pregnant? My last period was on the 20th of July so it was right during my ovulation as well. If you could help me out ASAP, then that'll be wonderful.

August 2, 2016 - 6:23am
Guide (reply to Anonymous)

Hello Zoe,

There would not have been a risk for pregnancy if he did not ejaculate.

You will know once you get your period this month.


August 8, 2016 - 8:25am
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