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Can I be pregnant with periods and negative tests? I have a linea nigra though?

By Anonymous June 11, 2016 - 10:49pm
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Hello I am 17 years old and lost my virginity on April 15. We had unprotected sex, but I used the yuzpe method of emergency contraceptive the morning after. I got my period one week late on April 23. It was normal flow lasting around 6 days. I then got my second period on May 26, which was also normal and lasted around 6 days. A week before the second period I had pregnancy/PMS symptoms like moodiness, sugar cravings, and achy breasts. This was weird because I usually never get any symptoms before my period. At this point if pregnant, I would be around 12 weeks. I recently developed a faint linea nigra, have been having digestion problems (lots of gas and stomach rumbling), and when I went to the doctor for the flu he told me I have an enlarged thyroid. I have also been gaining weight lately, which includes my love handles, but do not have a bump at all. I also have increased burping, fatigue, dizziness, diarrhea, and sometimes migraines. I also took 3 pregnancy tests at weeks 9, 10, and 11, which were all negatives without even a faint positive line. The week 10 pregnancy test was done with morning urine. Could I still be pregnant with my period and these negative tests? My biggest worry is this linea nigra??

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Hello and welcome to EmpowHer,
First of all, I want to say how sorry I am that the doctor did not do his job and tell you that all your symptoms are being caused by your enlarged thyroid gland and Tinea Nigra. You are not pregnant. However, your enlarged thyroid and symptoms indicate that you may have Hypothyroidism and you need to get treatment before it gets worse!
Be aware that because you are so young, most doctors will not believe you have hypothyroidism and will simply give you birth control pills as a treatment. However, based on your symptom history, you may need to take the treatment for hypothyroidism called Levothyroxine.
Don't be afraid to push for more testing and better treatment until your symptoms resolve!

I encourage you to read the article below that lists common symptoms that indicate your thyroid is not functioning properly.

I wish you all the best,

June 12, 2016 - 10:32am
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Thyroid Hormones

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