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can getting super glue on your skin cause excessive itching and how do you get rid of it?

By Anonymous November 1, 2017 - 1:21am
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i am taking predizone and using caladrl on my arm and the itching just woke me up. help!

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER.

Try peeling it off first [but not with sensitive skin]. Sometimes this will be sufficient to remove the glue, especially if the offending glue has only stuck to one finger instead of sticking two fingers together. Go carefully though and if you feel any pain or see skin lifting off, stop immediately.
Wait until the glue dries into a thin solid before attempting to peel it off. Do not touch it while it is still sticky.
Using clean fingernails or tweezers, grasp the dried glue at the edge and slowly peel it away from the skin. Stop if the glue resists or causes pain.

Soak the glue. Warm, soapy water may be enough to loosen the glue from your hand. Fill a bowl with warm water and add about 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of mild soap. Soak the glued area for 30 to 60 seconds, then attempt to peel the softened glue away.[1]
If you cannot peel the glue away, try using a spatula, or spoon handle over the area to help lift it up.
Note that you may need to make several attempts before having success.
You might also try using lemon juice instead of water, or a mixture made of one part lemon juice and one part water. The acid in the juice can help eat away at the glue.

Try mineral spirits. If you have sensitive skin, soak the affected area in mineral spirits, then try loosening the glue from your skin. Repeat if the glue doesn’t come off.

Use acetone. This method is best for those with tougher skin types––those with sensitive skin might find this method irritating or drying. And never apply acetone to open wounds.[3]
Soak the skin in warm soapy water as soon as possible. This will soften the glue. Adding a dash of cool vinegar may also help. Try loosening the glue from your skin. If this doesn't work, pat the skin dry and move on to the next step.
Use an acetone-based nail polish remover. It must contain acetone, because acetone softens cyanoacrylate. Rub it on the super glue. The dried glue should start peeling off. Do not use a cotton swab, as this can react very violently with cyanoacrylate (smoking or bursting into flames).[4]
Let the area dry, then use a nail emery board to remove the glue. Be careful not to remove your skin, too. If you have a lot on your hands you can scrub it on a pumice stone kept in warm water.
Let it peel off on its own. It will turn white, but it will not hurt you, and it'll eventually come off without your help.


November 1, 2017 - 9:38am
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