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Am I pregnant or something else?

By September 25, 2009 - 1:56am
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I'm 21,I always have regular periods my period was suppose to come on the 13 but came on the 20th.my period usually lasts 5 days i'm goin on 7.some symptoms I was having were: hurting ankles,sharp pain on left side below abdomen like on my vagina,mild soreness of breasts,fatigue,facial breakout,weight increasing or decreasing 7 to 8 pounds,and constipation.last nite I had a odd feeling on my left side of my stomach kinda like a tummy ache.

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Hi, Mrserkardtobe, and welcome to EmpowHer! Thanks so much for your question.

If you're having a period, then that's a sign that you are not pregnant. Most of what you list as symptoms can also be associated with PMS; are they rare symptoms for you?

Is anything else going on in your life that's different? Changes in diet or lifestyle, stress or medication?

And are you having all these symptoms all at once, or they have happened over a few days? Have they gotten any better or worse than they were when they started?

September 25, 2009 - 9:21am
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