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Am I pregnant or is this just normal

By Anonymous August 26, 2016 - 6:09am
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I had protected sex on Thursday but after that I started feeling weird like I'm ovulating with severe pains in my lower abdomen. Since then I have been feeling movement in my lower abdomen.until now I'm feeling like something is pulling my umbilical cord in my stomach.Although this was my first time of having sex after giving birth which gave me a big tear.I wanted to know whether it's normal or I'm pregnant again

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Hello Anonymous,

Welcome to EmpowHER. I am glad you reached out to our community with your concern.

Did you have intercourse yesterday or last Thursday? Did the severe lower abdominal pains begin immediately after having intercourse? How long ago did you deliver your baby? Was the big tear inside your body or outside of your body?

It is possible that the severe pain following intercourse is related to the tear you suffered during labor and delivery. Please contact your gynecologist/obstetrician about this today.

I cannot offer any advice about the pulling sensation, other than you do not have an umbilical cord. The umbilical cord connects a baby in the womb to its mother. It runs from an opening in your baby's stomach to the placenta in the womb.

Let us know what your doctor says,

August 26, 2016 - 8:51am
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